Keeping Fall Creek Clean
The way we treat our own property has an impact beyond our property lines. The decisions we make can have a negative impact of the environment. What happens on our own property eventually gets into the creeks, rivers and water table.
Fall Creek runs from northeast to southwest toward Indianapolis and draws water from land in Madison, Hamilton, Hancock and Marion counties. Those who live in the Fall Creek watershed now have an ally to help them understand how their actions affect the Fall Creek, and eventually the Indianapolis water supply.
Fall Creek Watershed Partnership runs a Backyard Conservation Program that assists homeowners living in the Fall Creek watershed to manage their backyard environment in ways that minimize the impact on the creek. The partnership provides education, site evaluation, planning assistance and other assistance to property owners within the watershed.
Contact Information:
For more information about the Fall Creek Watershed Partnership visit their website at, or call their office at 317-773-2181.
Submitted By: Dick Sprague