Resilient Pike is awarded Keep Indianapolis Beautiful Grant
If you drive along Rodebaugh Road, you get a clear view of both New Augusta schools. It’s clear because there are almost no trees to obscure the view. Similarly, the view of Snacks Crossing Elementary school is unobstructed ever since the emerald ash borer killed the trees lining 56th St.
This spring, Resilient Pike, along with the students at these schools, hopes to obscure that view a little by planting trees. In the process, they will add to the beauty of those places, clean the air and offer environmental lessons to students. In December, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB) announced that Resilient Pike’s grant application has been approved as part of their Community Forestry program. The grant will provide 50 trees to be planted along Rodebaugh Road and an additional 15 trees along 56th St. KIB will provide the trees along with guidance and assistance with the planting.
Plans are currently underway to involve the students in the planting since trees provide great educational opportunities. Neighbors and community groups will finish planting any trees the students aren’t able to complete. KIB will also water and maintain the trees for three years after planting. The trees will be a variety of native species chosen for their suitability to the setting. A tree lined street adds greatly to the aesthetics of the area but just as importantly, trees improve air quality and reduce sound pollution. Further, studies have shown that trees can reduce stress and improve health for those in the vicinity. They are a major weapon in the battle against rising global temperatures. These trees will be in addition to the “One Tree – One School” program which was begun last year and will continue again this year.
In April of 2019, trees were planted at each of the 14 Pike schools as well as at the Administration Building. Students at each school participated in the planting in a wide variety of ways and held ceremonies to celebrate the occasion. In the process, students learned about the many, wondrous ways trees add to our life and to the world.