Not only are Ella, Sophie and crew reducing their cafeteria waste by 75%, they are also finding lots of opportunities to educate students in other schools who are similarly bit by the zero waste cafeteria bug.
Read MoreAnother Halloween has come and gone, and with it, an unexpected honor bestowed upon me.
Read MoreDrawdown describes in depth the top 100 solutions to reverse global warming, and those solutions contain numerous surprises.
Read MoreIt all starts with education. The E-STEM club at Oaklandon, led by teacher Laura Getz, spent time studying the impact of air particulate and greenhouse gas pollution that is emitted by an idling car.
Read MoreThe rewards of spending a day outside, getting your hands dirty, are immeasurable, and worth any effort in implementing
Read MoreWe just completed our inaugural Love Letters to Planet Earth event as part of the Spirit & Place Festival in Indianapolis.
Read MoreAnd so it was in a flash I thought of collecting these reprehensible straws and assembling them into a straw bale. Call it a labor not of love, but of hate.
Read MoreIt is a strange mystery, these two shoes, the kind of thing that makes you smile and think, well, think that anything is possible, just in case you, like me, sometimes get the feeling that our problems are too complicated to solve.
Read MoreRecently, I took our youth-led Climate Recovery project idea directly to Shane O'Day, the remarkable principal of Shortridge High School.
Read MoreOn Friday, April 22, 2016, Mayor Joe Hogsett delivered his official proclamation that Indianapolis is "A Bee-Friendly City."
Read MoreEvery year you see people coming away from Earth Day oriented festivals, with saplings in hand. How hard can it be to plant trees?
Read MoreWe enjoyed a wonderful opportunity on March 29 to showcase our work with youth, thanks to Steve Miknis from the Indiana Pacers.
Read MoreAround 120 people participated, showcasing projects that combine environmental stewardship with civic action.
Read MoreFourth and fifth grade students at School For Community Learning contacted me the other day; they wanted some ideas to consider as they plan for the upcoming Eco Science Fair at the Indiana State Museum.
Read MoreI was recently invited to the School for Young Children on the campus of IUPUI, because they are starting a STEM pilot program for pre-schoolers. When they asked me for ideas, I immediately suggested the Eskenazi Sky Farm,
Read MoreOn this adventure, our youngest member at 8 years old, caught two fish. Or, perhaps it was the same fish twice, for all I know.
Read MoreThis time, I took students from School 48 to Indy Urban Acres on IndyGo, a win win for Mother Earth.
Read MoreFreewheelin' is a natural partner for our work and shared interest in empowering youth and building self resiliency. And so it was a perfect fit for our most recent Climate Camp day camp.
Read MoreThis camp was held at Paramount School of Excellence, and I hope to hold more day camps at schools and community centers around the city — and beyond.
Read MoreIn terms of sheer numbers, this is our biggest Climate Camp yet. In fact, we doubled the number of Campers from last year's initial Climate Camp, so this movement of combining climate science with civics and the arts is growing.
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