A visit with Reagan Elementary in Brownsburg
I already knew how cool the high school kids are in Brownsburg, so I wasn't exactly surprised by the acumen and sophistication of the fourth and fifth graders. Still, I was — once again — buoyed by the experience of being with young minds, sharing concerns and solutions regarding our climate predicament.
Here they are, the Go Green Club, posing nicely. We've just completely an hour-plus meeting. And yes, it was a meeting. I did not present to them. I sat down and we discussed their pet peeves about consumption and waste in their schools, and what they feel are the good eco-practices they enjoy at home.
It was very productive. I kept encouraging the kids to think upstream. Instead of upcycling their waste, they should consider not acquiring the product that produces this waste in the first place.
These are the minds that will solve the problems we have heaped upon them for a couple generations.
Now here's the same kids, posing more naturally!
That's right, their shirts read "HOPE."
Here they are, the Go Green Club, posing nicely. We've just completely an hour-plus meeting. And yes, it was a meeting. I did not present to them. I sat down and we discussed their pet peeves about consumption and waste in their schools, and what they feel are the good eco-practices they enjoy at home.
It was very productive. I kept encouraging the kids to think upstream. Instead of upcycling their waste, they should consider not acquiring the product that produces this waste in the first place.
These are the minds that will solve the problems we have heaped upon them for a couple generations.
Now here's the same kids, posing more naturally!
That's right, their shirts read "HOPE."