Buffalo Springs In Peril
By: Kylie Boles, a Senior at Columbus Signature Academy New Tech High School in Columbus, Indiana, where this story was first published.
The Hoosier National Forest needs our help. The U.S. Forest Service wants to conduct a decades-long, destructive project called the Buffalo Springs Restoration Project. The Forest Service recently approved a huge project in the Hoosier National Forest where they will log and burn trees in the Buffalo Springs area.
Although it may seem like they’re doing this for the benefit of the forest, they’re destroying it.
This project will negatively affect all species living in the forest, including six federally listed threatened and endangered species: the Indiana bat, the gray bat, the bald eagle, and three types of mussels –- the rough pigtoe, the fanshell mussel, and the sheepnose mussel. Continuing this project will lower their chances of survival and will eventually cause extinction for some species and others in the future. >> READ MORE
Earth Charter Indiana Mission
Earth Charter Indiana exists to inspire and advance sustainable, just and peaceful living in Indiana by promoting the values and principles of the Earth Charter. We are excited for what is to come and know that with the community we are fostering will be able to create a more resilient and equitable future for Indiana.