Climate Camp is the longest running youth program from Earth Charter Indiana. It’s grown from just one week of foundational climate science and action to include policy, public transit, food equity, and youth resilience. This summer we’re offering FIVE weeks of camp for ages 6-18 years old, and we have bilingual registration for Spanish speaking families. Click the buttons below to learn more.
El Campamento Climatico es el programa más antiguo de Earth Charter Indiana (Carta de la Tierra Indiana). Al inicio de este programa, solo ofrecíamos una semana sobre las fundaciones de la ciencia del cambio climático y cómo tomar medidas de acción. Ahora incluimos a esos temas la política, el transporte público, la equidad de comida, y la resiliencia de los juveniles. Este verano ofreceremos CINCO campamentos para edades 6-18, y ofreceremos apoyo para las familias hispanohablantes. Si quiere ayuda con la inscripción o si tiene dudas, favor de ponerse en contacto con Miranda Frausto, la Coordinadora de Compromiso Latino/x/e de Earth Charter Indiana (
Beyond our Wildest Dreams
Save the date: Saturday April 12, 7:30 p.m.
Roberts Park United Methodist Church - 401 N Delaware St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Enjoy an evening of original songs inspired by the Beauty, Complexity & Diversity of Nature, featuring local songwriters Sarah Grain, Bill Price and Greg Ziesemer. Tickets are $20 (at the door), with free parking and refreshments available. All proceeds will benefit The Hoosier Environmental Council and Earth Charter Indiana.
The City Nature Challenge is an effort for cities to find and document as much urban nature as possible by challenging residents to become citizen scientists: Residents are asked to explore their area (backyard, playgrounds, parks, etc.) for plants and bugs/animals, document their findings (take a photo), and report them (via the iNaturalist website or app). The underlying objective of this event is to develop a new baseline of a city’s biodiversity and to monitor how exactly change is accelerating.
How to join the challenge:
Step 1: Download iNaturalist and join the Indiana CNC group
Step 2: April 25-28 Go outside and document nature - animals, plants, fungi and any evidence (scat, fur, tracks, shells, carcasses)
Step 3: Share your observations on iNaturalist
Earth Charter Indiana Mission
Earth Charter Indiana exists to inspire and advance sustainable, just and peaceful living in Indiana by promoting the values and principles of the Earth Charter. We are excited for what is to come and know that with the community we are fostering will be able to create a more resilient and equitable future for Indiana.